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Do you mostly give or get wedgies??

Mar 29, 2018 · Those within the wedgie fetish family simpl?

Try and follow through with what it gives you. i swear im going to fail and i did so my bf spanked me. You could be either, wedgie needer or wedgie giver/ what is a wedgie. its more punishing to have someone do it to you😈😈. What wedgie will you get? Public or private? Clothes on or just underwear? Anything else along with it? scarecrow is where you have a broom through your leg holes, and through the armholes of a shirt with your arms through, so you look like a scarecrow. how old is caleb from the shriners It determines that based on your answers to the questions. I got jock lock wedgie. Do you deserve a wedgie? Have you been bad? Is this just for fun to you? Well we will fix that. Anything! Why did you do it? I wanted attention; It was a dare. is meech parents still alive Make sure it's embarrassing!! What wedgie do you really deserve? Hope you enjoy this quiz. Do you give wedgies to yourself What's the longest you've been in a hanging wedgie for? Never got one; 0-10 minutes. It determines that based on your answers to the questions. Hey there! Do you want a wedgie but do not know which one you want? Then this is the very most perfect quiz for you! Do you deserve an atomic, dragging, hanging, normal, or self wedgie? Or do you give them? Just take the test and find out what wedgie you should get!! Well i got a spanking today by my girlfriend and my butt is really red and I'm about to get another spanking by girlfriend and she said im getting a 97 years of spanking which means im getting spanking everyday and every minute and she said im getting it bare bottom with her hand and belt and het hairbrush. It will give you instructions for a spanking and some additional punishments. dnd language translators The Hershey’s Kisses slogan is “Every Day Deserves a Kiss” as of January 2015. ….

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